Why Choose Us?

  • A company you can trust. We began as boatsforsale-ads.com as an online boating classified ads website over 15 years ago and we have re-branded and redesigned the yacht segment as YachtsFSBO, and the other boating segments as BoatersNet in order to better serve the overall boating classified ads market for our users. The parent company of YachtsFSBO (BoatersNet, LLC) is a Florida Corporation and can be trusted to handle your business for many years to come. We have a solid presence with the various internet search engine companies (Google, Microsoft Edge, yahoo etc) as well as social media platforms including Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and other online classified companies insuring excellent visibility for your ad.
  • Aggressive Advertising. We have aggressive advertising campaigns and marketing strategies to insure potential buyers find your ad including:
    • Your ad will be sent to our network of advertisers including other classified ad companies and boating websites with millions of visitors
    • Your ad will be sent to our facebook page, twitter and other social media
    • Your ad will be submitted to Google, Yahoo, Bing and other internet search providers using various techniques to increase your ads visibilty
  • Effective web site design. Our web site is designed to allow you to showcase the item you are selling and with many search capabilites so that potential buyers can easily find what they are looking for.
  • Advertise throughout the world wide web. Our ads are not restricted to local areas but available to anyone with convenient zip code search capabilities to limit the search area you are interested in.
  • Your personal information is safe. We have designed our site so that your personal information is safe from potential computer hackers or spammers looking for email addresses and the pages that you enter your personal information on are encrypted pages (HTTPS) to further safeguard your information. In addition we require only the minimal personal information from you and let a name you know well and can trust (Paypal™) handle all of your financial information. The only personal information we require from you is your email address and yachtsfsbo.com password and those are well guarded using various methods including encryption and authentication tools.